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Limited Edition Prints on Canvas


Utilising 100% natural cotton canvas, your canvas print is mirror wrapped on a high quality robust 3.8cm deep wooden frame. Please note that hanging attachments are not fitted to the frame as you can hang the frame directly off a nail in your wall.


The image is rich in colour with stunning definition. Colours will not run or bleed and are very durable.


1. Classic canvas texture

2. 100% natural cotton canvas

3. Deep 3.8cm quality wooden frame

4. Hang directly from the frame



Prints are available on a Limited Edition basis, various sizes and formats are available but only 300 of each design will ever be printed, no matter which size or format you choose.  You will be supplied with a Limited Edition Certificate of Authenticity with an Edition number and signed by myself. Click through the links below to choose your options and size.

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